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Spirometry in urgent care facilities

For care providers supporting patients in urgent care

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The modern Urgent Care facility treats 60 to 80 patients daily in the United States. From viruses and infections to workplace injuries, hard-working nurses, doctors, and medical assistants are constantly on the move at Urgent Care facilities.

Bringing spirometry into your urgent care facility

A precision built handheld, portable spirometer such as the EasyOne® Air is a powerful tool that offers multiple benefits in the Urgent Care setting:

Applications for the use of spirometry in urgent care

Spirometry in diagnosing and treating asthma

According to the World Asthma Foundation, approximately 5,000 people in the United States visit a hospital emergency room due to asthma-related symptoms.

Many people also visit urgent care facilities with other respiratory-specific symptoms – who have not officially been diagnosed. The NAEPP recommends a spirometry test to be completed at the initial assessment for asthma, after treatment of flair-ups or attacks, and every 1 to 2 years afterward.

Spirometry in diagnosing COPD

There are an estimated 65 million people who have moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Spirometry is the GOLD standard for diagnosing COPD. Many people visit Urgent Care locations with symptoms including being short of breath – but have not yet been officially diagnosed with COPD.

Spirometry for people who inhale toxins

Sometimes exposure to toxins in the workplace or at home can cause breathing issues that dictate an Urgent Care visit. Spirometry can produce quick results – with many of the leading devices being calibration-free – allowing multiple exams in a manner of minutes.

Having access to easy to use spirometers will help doctors complete basic lung function tests and can help them direct patients to a pulmonologist for further testing.

Occupational health benefits of spirometry

Urgent Care facilities are often contracted by professional organizations for wellness checks, workers compensation exams, and occupational health screenings. A growing trend in several industrial or manufacturing companies is the inclusion of spirometry exams to help monitor the lung health of employees who may be at higher risk due to workplace exposure.

In fact – Concentra – one of the largest Urgent Care groups in the United States, offers pulmonary function testing by using EasyOne spirometers in several of their locations. This becomes a consistent revenue stream for Urgent Care locations in both metro and rural communities.

What is the best spirometer for urgent care facilities?

ndd EasyOne® Air - portable or PC spirometer

The ndd Medical Technologies line of spirometry products each offer a unique set of advantages to meet the evolving needs of the modern Urgent Care facility.

The EasyOne® Air is a flexible, accurate, and proven spirometry solution designed for healthcare providers, large and small. It can be used as a portable or as a PC spirometer, delivering consistent results regardless of setting or environmental factors.

It’s infused with TrueFlow™ technology, permitting this portable spirometer to deliver robust and reliable testing results without needing calibration to ensure a lifetime of worry-free operation.

The easy to read color touch screen displays real-time graphs, allows you to quickly enter patient data, and easily navigate and operate this portable spirometer.

You can also easily connect to a PC for real-time patient incentives, data exchange, and EMR connectivity.

Easy on-PC - pc-based spirometer

The Easy on-PC is a PC-based spirometer that uses the power of your computer to provide you with a complete spirometry solution. It leverages our trusted TrueFlow™ technology that delivers unprecedented accuracy and reliable results without needing calibration.

It’s real-time animated graphs and incentives makes it easier to use with children and those requiring encouragement to produce robust and accurate results.

The perfect spirometry device for urgent care

All ndd products are simple to use, can provide multiple exams on a single battery charge, and require no time-consuming calibrations. Our intuitive user interface saves time-strapped Urgent Care facilities valuable resources, allowing you to complete more tests per hour without compromising patient service quality.

If you’d like to learn more about the EasyOne Air or Easy on-PC spirometry devices for Urgent Care facilities, click the button below to speak with one of our sales professionals or book a virtual demo with our team to learn about which solution would fit best for your patients.

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