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ndd Medical Technologies
· 1 Minuten Lesezeit

ERS Congress 2023

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We are looking back at a highly successful ERS Congress in Milan! With a booth nearly twice the size of last year’s, we had plenty of space to present our devices to both established and new customers.

We performed dozens of product demos with our EasyOne Pro, and of course with the EasyOne Air and the Easy on-PC, demonstrating the devices’ intuitive use and reliable performance. Our live demonstrations attracted significant attention from attendees, highlighting the practical applications and relevance of our products.

The positive response that we received reinforces our commitment to advancing respiratory healthcare technology.

The congress not only served as a platform to demonstrate our innovations but also as an opportunity to expand our network and exchange knowledge with experts in the field.

As we reflect on this successful event, we look forward to further developments in our mission for early diagnosis for better lung health. Stay tuned for updates on our ongoing efforts to make a positive impact in this crucial field.

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