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ndd Medical Technologies


Product disclaimers

The ndd products are medical devices and must be used in strict adherence to the Operator’s Manual; failure to do so may result in serious personal injury. It is strongly recommended that you regularly consult ndd’s website ( for the latest available information. Please contact nddshould you have any questions.

Use only under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. Consult the Operator’s Manual and ndd’s website ( for appropriate product designation. Failure to obtain and follow the recommendations of your medical care provider may result in serious personal injury.

This information provides details about medical products which may not be available in all countries and may not have received approval or market clearance by all governmental regulatory bodies throughout the world. Nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation or promotion of any product or of an indication of any specific use for any product which is not authorized by the laws and regulations of the country where the reader of this information resides.

Partner devices

Customers and visitors should visit the respective 3rd party websites for more information.

External links on this website are provided only for the convenience of ndd’s website visitors. ndd has no interest in, responsibility for, or control over non-ndd affiliated linked sites. In no event shall ndd be liable for any damages resulting from use of these links.

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