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Presentamos a Buddy, el asistente virtual para las pruebas de espirometría
ndd Medical Technologies
· 1 minutos de lectura

ndd Academy: Distribution Partner Training in Panama

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Distribution Partner Training in Panama - NDD - Spirometry - Spirometer - DLCO - MBW - Multiple breath wash out

In mid-May, our second distribution partner training in 2019 took place in Panama City.
Distributors from eleven countries in Latin America participated and were trained by the motivated ndd training team.
The focus of the first day was on the application of Spirometry, DLCO and MBW. On the second and third day, one part of the team attended workshops on sales & marketing strategies while the other part learned more about service and maintenance.

The training was a great success and we are happy to see so many motivated people trained and ready to change the world of pulmonary diagnostics in their countries!

Are you interested in participating in one of our next training sessions? Contact our ndd Academy team for more details.

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