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ndd Medical Technologies Debuts New Diagnostic Devices at the 2017 (ATS) Conference

Suite of innovative, connected devices enable early and accurate lung diagnoses.

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Suite of innovative, connected devices enable early and accurate lung diagnoses.

EasyOne Air spirometer

Andover, MA and Zurich, Switzerlandndd Medical Technologies, Inc., the leader in lung function testing, today announced the company will showcase the latest versions of its best-in-class spirometer and portable, all-in-one DLCO devices at the annual American Thoracic Society (ATS) Conference May 19-24 in Washington, D.C.

“Our diagnostic solutions ensure providers can accurately diagnose patients early, right at the point of care vastly improving the quality of life for patients living with lung disease,” said Georg Harnoncourt, CEO of ndd Medical Technologies. “Because all of our devices are powered by one software solution [the EasyOne Connect platform] we can offer seamless integration with electronic medical records.”

Exhibiting at booth #1521, ndd will demonstrate a variety of diagnostic solutions powered by the secure EasyOne Connect platform, including EasyOne Air, a PC-based and portable spirometer and EasyOne Pro, a portable, diffusion capacity (DLCO) assessment, spirometer and full lung volume measurement. These lung function tests employ ndd’s proprietary Ultrasonic TrueFlow Measurement eliminating errors associated with traditional methods of flow measurement (heat, humidity, etc.) With no moving parts, no codes to enter, no screens to catch sputum and no disposables to calibrate, these diagnostic devices ensure extraordinarily fast, reliable and error free results.

“My clinical research on asthma and COPD happens at the point of care in some of the most remote, resource limited places in the world,” said William Checkley, MD, associate professor at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Because of this, I need highly portable, very durable diagnostic devices reporting consistent and accurate results even under the toughest conditions. I use ndd’s devices because I know no matter the condition, the device will report accurate results.”

Visit the ndd Medical Technologies booth #1521 at ATS 2017 in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. For more information on ndd Medical Technologies’ solutions and updates, please visit www.nddmed.com or follow @nddMedical.

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