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ndd Medical Technologies
· 1 minutes read

Research with ndd's PFT technology continues in studying endangered turtles

The research team at Oceanogràfic continues their collaboration with Kagari Aoki at Tokyo University in Japan, using ndd’s TrueFlow Technology to measure the lung function of turtles. This research is aimed at understanding the basic physiology of turtles to provide new methods to reduce trauma of turtles that have been accidentally caught in fishing nets.

The team started their research on turtles back in 2016, measuring lung function in endangered sea turtles, with the goal of reducing deaths from decompression sickness. The work of the team at Oceanogràfic has led to worldwide protocol changes that encourage fisherman who inadvertently catch turtles in their nets to bring them in for treatment instead of throwing them back. The team also aims to find new methods to mitigate turtle bycatch.


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