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ndd Medical Technologies
· 2 minutes read

Australia & New Zealand

Setting the record straight.

Setting the record straight.

Dear Customer,

We’ve been informed that a paper was recently circulated in Australia by a local “scientist” claiming the Ganshorn ScoutTube, promoted by Bird Healthcare, is compatible with NDD devices. NDD has serious concerns about the data presented in this paper and its conclusions.


Hans Rudolph Inc., an accredited independent testing laboratory not associated with NDD, also tested the Ganshorn ScoutTube. Their report shows that the ScoutTube is not compliant with ERS / ATS guidelines regarding accuracy and repeatability.

Here are the summary results of that report:

Given this independent data, NDD cannot recommend the use of the Ganshorn ScoutTubes with NDD devices. Using non-compliant equipment and risking inaccurate PFT tests is not worth the small potential for costs savings if any, by using non approved accessories. Instead, we recommend using safer NDD solutions because they are:

If you would like to review the independent Hans Rudolph report in detail, or if you would like to speak with NDD about our PFT testing solutions and accessories, please fill out the form and we’ll contact you directly. Thank you for your time and attention.

George Harnoncourt

CEO, NDD Medical Technologies

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