We want to inform you about an issue (Error 1027) that recently affected EasyOne Connect. Our team at ndd has been working diligently to address the problem, and we’re pleased to share that a quick solution is now available!

For detailed instructions on applying the fix, please refer to this PDF or view the EasyOne Connect or EasyOne Pro/LAB tutorial videos.

Thank you for your patience and continued support.

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ndd Medical Technologies


ndd Medical Technologies is dedicated to supporting health initiatives in various countries around the world to help spread awareness of the importance of lung function testing and lung health.

Social Responsibility

The East African Training Initiative (EATI)
Ethiopia, the second largest country of Africa, bears an enormous burden due to the high occurrence of tuberculosis and lung disease in its population. The lack of pulmonary specialists is one of the key constraints on the country’s ability to deliver care. The mission of EATI is to provide world-class training in pulmonary and critical care medicine. ndd supplied EasyOne spirometers for this education program. Thanks to EATI, there is now a growing number of pulmonologists in Ethiopia that can address lung disease with focus and expertise.
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Training session as part of the East African Training Initiative (EATI)

EasyOne Pro LAB in a Clinic-on-Wheels

Heart of Australia is an organization that delivers monthly specialist medical investigation and treatment clinics to regional, rural, and remote-area communities across Queensland, Australia. Its customized road trains – specialist medical clinic-on-wheels – each travels more than 100,000 km per year on the road, covering an area of more than 450,000 square kilometers. Heart of Australia is breaking the grip of distance that denies rural and remote-area Australians access to regular cardiac, endocrine, and respiratory services when and where they are needed most.

ndd and our partner Niche in Australia have provided EasyOne Pro LAB devices for the trucks to deliver reliable and accurate pulmonary diagnosis right at the point of care to people visiting the mobile hospital.

For more information about this project, click here.

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Medical clinic-on-wheels

Lung Disease Research in Southwestern Uganda
Determining the prevalence of lung disease and how HIV infections affect lung health are common goals for lung disease research being completed in Southwestern Uganda. ndd Medical Technologies equipment was used in the research group’s initial public screening program, Lung Function in Nakaseke and Kampala (LiNK), where 1500 people were tested in a 5-day period in 2015. The study compares lung function of HIV patients with others not impacted by the disease and also studies the effect of indoor air pollution (open fire cooking) on the lung function of women. By using ndd Medical Technologies equipment, this study also serves as an exceptional opportunity to complete training of clinical staff in the region for completing and interpreting lung function testing. Additional studies took place in 2017, which ndd Medical Technologies was proud to support.
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Team involved in researching the causes of lung disease in southwestern Uganda

Guyana Asthma Education and Spirometry Program (GASP)
As is the case throughout the world, asthma is very common in the South American nation of Guyana, affecting more than one in ten people ranging in age from infants to the elderly. Clinicians in Guyana used to perform acute episodic management of asthma, rather than to establish a more comprehensive chronic disease management. Since 2013, a Vancouver-based respiratory team has been working on the Guyana Asthma Education and Spirometry Program (GASP), which provides spirometry equipment and training for the purpose of diagnosing asthma accurately. It also strives to improve the extent of healthcare by teaching local medical professionals to deliver education and self-management skills to patients in order to reduce the extensive impact that asthma is having.
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Patient performing a spirometry test during the GASP program

Spirometry Trainings in Namibia
In the north of Namibia, the association Mudiro is setting up a medical training project where doctors are trained and supported locally. Doctors and nurses from Switzerland volunteer with Mudiro to provide medical expertise to the professionals on site. The local staff was trained in the use and operating of our EasyOne spirometer and is now performing spirometry tests autonomously. The ease of use of the device was highly appreciated locally. ndd is very proud to support this project.
Spirometry training session - Mudiro - EasyOne - Spirometer - Spirometry - NDD

Spirometry training session in Namibia

myclimate - Efficient Solar Stoves in Southwest Madagascar

In partnership with the myclimate Carbon program, ndd is supporting climate protection projects equivalent to the carbon footprint of the EasyOne FlowTube by providing new and efficient cookstoves for households and institutions in Madagascar. Efficient solar stoves help:

  • Create jobs
  • Reduce CO2 emissions
  • Improve health, especially for women and children by avoiding exposure to microparticles from burning wood in the house
  • Prevent deforestation: for each cook stove 2 trees are reforested
MyClimate Project - New cookstoves - NDD - Carbon compensation program - EasyOne - FlowTube - Solar Stove - Spirometry - Spirometer

With efficient solar cookstoves, people can cook traditional Madagascan food like rice, corn, manioc, meat soup or chicken. (https://www.myclimate.org)

Lung Awareness & Education

CHEST Lung Health Experience
The CHEST Foundation is very active in trying to increase awareness of asthma and COPD in the United States. ndd Medical Technologies provides equipment to support these valuable initiatives in the communities they serve. The CDC estimates that 30 million people living in the US suffer from COPD, with nearly half of them not officially diagnosed. Local events offering lung health information, spirometry testing, and the opportunity to speak with a healthcare professional have been very well received by the general public.
Right2Breathe Project
The Right2Breathe® Project is an asthma & COPD screening, education, and awareness program created by Right2Breathe®, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in New Jersey. Their promotional efforts are hosted primarily at professional drag racing and automotive events, targeting a demographic of racing competitors, fans, and vendors who are at a higher risk of developing a respiratory disease due to their vocational, social, and lifestyle choices. With the assistance of respiratory therapists, pulmonologists, and other healthcare professionals, as well as the support of ndd Medical Technologies EasyOne spirometry equipment and onsite training, they are able to provide hundreds of free lung function tests to a passionate fan base.
Breathe NH Lung Testing
It is important for ndd Medical Technologies to actively support local organizations in the communities in which we are located. With our North American headquarters based in Andover, MA, we are proud to support Breathe NH, a local non-profit organization focusing on all relevant issues related to lung health. They provide educational programs, support scientific research related to the prevention and treatment of lung disease, and also host local screening events to help increase disease awareness in our neighboring New England state of New Hampshire.
“Healthy Lungs for Life” Screening
Each year, the European Respiratory Society hosts a lung function screening event in conjunction with its annual congress. For the past ten years, ndd Medical Technologies has supplied EasyOne spirometry and PFT devices to enable respiratory therapists and other medical professionals to complete testing for nearly 2,000 individuals over the two day period.

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