Social Responsibility

Training session as part of the East African Training Initiative (EATI)
Heart of Australia is an organization that delivers monthly specialist medical investigation and treatment clinics to regional, rural, and remote-area communities across Queensland, Australia. Its customized road trains – specialist medical clinic-on-wheels – each travels more than 100,000 km per year on the road, covering an area of more than 450,000 square kilometers. Heart of Australia is breaking the grip of distance that denies rural and remote-area Australians access to regular cardiac, endocrine, and respiratory services when and where they are needed most.
ndd and our partner Niche in Australia have provided EasyOne Pro LAB devices for the trucks to deliver reliable and accurate pulmonary diagnosis right at the point of care to people visiting the mobile hospital.
For more information about this project, click here.

Medical clinic-on-wheels

Team involved in researching the causes of lung disease in southwestern Uganda

Patient performing a spirometry test during the GASP program

Spirometry training session in Namibia
In partnership with the myclimate Carbon program, ndd is supporting climate protection projects equivalent to the carbon footprint of the EasyOne FlowTube by providing new and efficient cookstoves for households and institutions in Madagascar. Efficient solar stoves help:
- Create jobs
- Reduce CO2 emissions
- Improve health, especially for women and children by avoiding exposure to microparticles from burning wood in the house
- Prevent deforestation: for each cook stove 2 trees are reforested

With efficient solar cookstoves, people can cook traditional Madagascan food like rice, corn, manioc, meat soup or chicken. (