PFT reimbursement calculator

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ndd products you can use for: Spirometry

EasyOne Air
Portable & PC spirometer

EasyOne Sky New
Redefining spirometry with Buddy

Easy on-PC
PC spirometer
ndd products you can use for: DLCO

EasyOne Pro
Portable DLCO, Lung Volumes and Spirometry

EasyOne Pro LAB
Portable DLCO, MBW, Lung Volumes, LCI and Spirometry
Lung volumes
ndd products you can use for: Lung volumes

EasyOne Pro
Portable DLCO, Lung Volumes and Spirometry

EasyOne Pro LAB
Portable DLCO, MBW, Lung Volumes, LCI and Spirometry
Reimbursement disclaimer:
These reimbursements are based on United States Medicare Average as of January 2025. Subject to change at any time. Please refer to your local provider for actual reimbursement rates in your area. See also the Reimbursement Disclaimer below.
The reimbursement information does not constitute professional or legal advice on reimbursement and should be used at your sole liability and discretion. All coding and reimbursement information are subject to change without notice. ndd Medical Technologies does not represent or warrant that any of the information being provided is true or correct and you agree to hold ndd Medical Technologies harmless in the event of any loss, damage, liabilities or claims arising from the use of the reimbursement information provided to you. Before filing any claims, it is the provider’s sole responsibility to verify current requirements and policies with the applicable payer.
ndd Medical Technologies is providing this information in an educational capacity with the understanding that we are not engaged or rendering legal or other professional services or advice. ndd Medical does not guaranty Medicare or third-party insurance carrier reimbursement for any of the referenced procedures.